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"I've spent a lot of time on the Avatar fan wiki. It's extraordinary. You could live there for a year and never come out again. There's so much hard work put into that."
Janet Varney, voice of Korra, about her experience reading the Avatar Wiki while preparing to host a podcast.

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I Am Toph cover

I Am Toph is a children's book that is part of the Little Golden Books series. The story introduces Toph Beifong and the world of Avatar: The Last Airbender to very young readers. It was released on January 7, 2025.

Born into a wealthy family, 12-year-old Toph Beifong was expected to become a young woman of society. What nobody expected was that she would be one of the best Earthbenders in the four nations! Follow Toph's journey from competing in earthbending rumbles in secret as The Blind Bandit to travelling the world as the Avatar's earthbending master. This beautifully-illustrated Little Golden Book is perfect for children ages 2 to 5 and Avatar superfans of all ages!

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Korra and Asami kiss

A variety of patterns concerning gender and sexuality exist across the world. Each nation has its own history of gender equality, tolerance to sexuality and gender, and marriage patterns.

Gender is a range of characteristics pertaining to masculinity and femininity, with some identifying with both or neither. All nations have a traditional idea of gender roles. Women have faced discrimination in some nations, though others have a history of gender equality, or have made great progress toward gender equality since the Hundred Year War. Some people do not identify with some, or all aspects of the gender they were assigned at birth, and some of those people identify as transgender or non-binary.

Sexual orientation is a pattern of interest in the opposite or same sex, generally considered to be heterosexuality, homosexuality, bisexuality, and asexuality. Many non-heterosexual and non-cisgender people identify as queer, or with more specific terms such as gay, lesbian, and bisexual.

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  • Improvement Article of the Week — The chosen article will have a grammar review, missing information will be added, correction of page structure, adding images when needed, etc. The goal is to make significant improvements but remember that quality, and not quantity, is what matters.
  • Transcript pages — several episode and comic transcripts could do with additional scene description, and some comics don't even have a transcript yet.
  • Chronicles of the Avatar — Creation of chapter pages of the novels and the updating/creation of pages for people, locations, creatures, and events that are dealt within the novels.

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